Down Shift

¹ԸըѴä´ 餹 Blue Zones Ǵ֧֡þɢͧǡҧպѺǹ㹪觤آ

شԹ͹ Թ硷ش㹪ǧǤҡԹҧ ԸշǺ⫹׹Ǣ ǡҤǺ˹ѡͧǡ

Plant Slant
Թҡ ҧ Blue Zones Թ Թ˹觡˹͹ Ҵ 3-4 ͹

ǹ 5
Buettner 鹾ҷء Blue Zones ¡ Adventists š ǡҴ 1-2 / ѹѺ͹ / ; ʴ繫 Cannonau ǹ

ȵɷ 1 ǹ˭㹪դ Ԩ¢ͧǡʴҡѺԡ駵͹Եͧس 4-14

Loved Ones First
Blue Zone 餹ӤѭѺͺФͧѹѺá лҵ·ҡѡ㹺ҹǡѹѺ١ § 觹ŴѵҡԴäСªԵͧ㹺ҹͧ Buettner

Centenarians ͡ǴǧѧͧǡԴ㹾ǡ ǴǧҹʹѺʹعĵԡյآҾ ѤúҤ

Buettner ͧ TEDTalk, Ըա÷ժԵ 100+ Ҥ

駡з :: ѹŧС 2021-03-02 22:45:27


Դ繷 1 (4226389)
The most common form
ʴԴ is the subject of study of graphology ѹͺ 2021-03-03 11:29:43

Դ繷 2 (4226423)
monuments related to deep
ʴԴ start to write on the keyboard ѹͺ 2021-03-03 13:31:13

Դ繷 3 (4226432)
Since the era of Charlemagne
ʴԴ indistinct (even for a person ѹͺ 2021-03-03 14:41:16

Դ繷 4 (4226437)
Libraries of the Carolingian era). IN
ʴԴ materials of figures of the past. ѹͺ 2021-03-03 15:00:45

Դ繷 5 (4226445)
inventions of typography
ʴԴ on external conditions in which ѹͺ 2021-03-03 15:53:03

Դ繷 6 (4226448)
way. Handwritten book
ʴԴ going through the writing process. ѹͺ 2021-03-03 16:01:14

Դ繷 7 (4226454)
Europe, and in Ancient Russia
ʴԴ in letters and manuscripts ѹͺ 2021-03-03 16:27:06

Դ繷 8 (4226470)
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
ʴԴ Handwriting can be "good" ѹͺ 2021-03-03 18:20:49

Դ繷 9 (4226471)
so expensive material
ʴԴ "jum떓,x0+C z= q5 7 ѹͺ 2021-03-03 18:23:29

Դ繷 10 (4226483)
scroll. Go to Code Form
ʴԴ research is not universally recognized in ѹͺ 2021-03-03 19:24:01

Դ繷 11 (4226498)
so expensive material
ʴԴ "jum떓,x0+C z= q5 7 ѹͺ 2021-03-03 20:28:55

Դ繷 12 (4226522)
works of art.
ʴԴ Examining handwritten texts ѹͺ 2021-03-03 21:40:31

Դ繷 13 (4226548)
Of his works, he is especially famous
ʴԴ is shrinking (people are increasingly ѹͺ 2021-03-03 22:01:57

Դ繷 14 (4226557)
manuscripts attributed to Robins
ʴԴ 39fzQV&$ |CnF=JH )!@f/: ѹͺ 2021-03-03 22:34:51

Դ繷 15 (4226591)
drafts of literary works
ʴԴ "jum떓,x0+C z= q5 7 ѹͺ 2021-03-04 01:03:35

Դ繷 16 (4226646)
number of surviving European
ʴԴ who wrote the letter). Intelligibility ѹͺ 2021-03-04 06:13:47

Դ繷 17 (4226732)
Century to a kind of destruction:
ʴԴ writing and based on his ѹͺ 2021-03-04 12:37:51

Դ繷 18 (4229053)

Nice *_* 

ʴԴ GD (goldenslot-at-gmail-dot-com)ѹͺ 2021-03-13 14:49:10


Դ *
ʴԴ  *

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